On Saturday we went fishing with our neighbor Bernice and our friend Jessie. We left the dock at 6am and had about an hour run before we started trolling. We trolled around for hours and finally found some floating boards. Below the boards were hundreds of hungry dolphin along with the biggest triple tail anyone had ever seen.. We proceeded to catch all the dolphin we wanted plus some. Bernice put a call out for anyone wanting fish to come to our position. We also tried to free gaff the triple tail but swung and missed twice. With only a few hours to fish we set the course for home and started trolling in. An hour passed or more and changed baits, and put out a new different skirt on the plainer, hoping to catch a wahoo. Steve set the plainer, put the rod in the holder and BAMMM!!!!! We thought we had our wahoo. I sat in the chair and started the fight. We knew the fish was big by the way it ripping drag but once we saw it jump we knew it was a dolphin. After a long hard fight we boated the fish and I was exhausted. It was the only fish we caught on the troll that day but it was a great ending to an otherwise slow day.

Below are pics of the sun coming up

The fish we caught on the troll

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